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关键词:智障儿童  随班就读  个案研究  教育


Abstract:This case study mainly uses methods such as interviews, follow-up observations and investigations. On the basis of full material, we analysis the studying and living conditions of a mentally retarded child that on the sixth grade in the regular school. Through interviewing his teachers, students, parents and other relevant people, comparing with the education of the mentally retarded children in special school, we summarize the important factors that influence this case that learning in regular school. For example, the child’s own foundation, social atmosphere, the professional degree of teachers and lack of individual counseling, allocation of resources for the classroom, the concept of parental awareness of school, etc. We hope this research can provide some referential suggestions for special educators, parents and other relevant people. People can formulate a workable special education plan from it. In addition, we should unite all aspects of education strength to promote the development of the mentally retarded children learning in regular school.

Key words: mentally retarded children; learning in regular school; case study; education


   随班就读已成为安置特殊儿童特别是轻度残疾儿童的一种非常重要的教育模式 。人们在倡导通过不断地探索和研究,我国的随班就读政策已经有了更为具体的规定,在教师、教室、教材、教法等方面有了更进一步的规定和方法,这一系列的规定都在一定程度上更加保证了特殊儿童的受教育权利,许多特殊儿童有机会走进学校接受教育。我国目前对于特殊儿童随班就读的研究日渐成熟,在借鉴其他国家经验,结合自己的实际情况,也相应地提出了一些政策,采取了一些行之有效的措施,实行了相应的改革,但对比国外的全纳教育政策,我国的随班就读政策仍然有许多不足之处。我国随班就读应做到点面结合,在整合和利用现有的教育资源的基础上,加强随班就读的调查和研究,透彻地把握我国随班就读的动态和发展方向,建立有中国特色的随班就读模式,从成功中获取经验,在失败中反思总结,促进中国特殊教育的发展。