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Abstract: The application of combining Number with shope is to build the correspondence between number and shape  with which we can analysis and solve the problem. As a way of solving mathematical problems, it is intuitional and flexible.And it is used widely as an important way of solving mathematical problems. This article summarizes the laws of these applications and offers some reference for solving problems. It gives some suggestion and summaries about how we can cultivate students’ awareness of combining number and shape and strengthening the practice of combining number and shape. So we can understand the importance and basis of this method in mathematics.

Keywords: symbols and graphs; mathematical thinking;the way of solving problems


初等数学历来被划分为代数和几何两大分支, 前者偏重于数的分析, 而后者则偏重于形的研究。是今天人们越来越认识到: 仅有代数的思想而无图形的直观, 或者虽然有直观的图形而缺少数据的分析, 许多数学问题都难以高质有效的解决。形是数的翅膀, 数是形的灵魂。罗庚先生曾指出:“数缺形时少直观, 形少数时难入微。数形结合百般好, 隔裂分家万事休。同时,历年的中高考都对数学思想方法进行了重要的考察,而数形结合的思想是中学数学常用的数学方法之一,这引起了本人的浓厚兴趣,本文就是对数形结合思想进行的调查研究。