关键词:行列式; 计算方法; 计算技巧;
Abstract:Determinant is one of the important and basic course content in higher algebra,in mathematics and the real life it has a wide range of applications,so it is important knowing how to calculate the determinant. The calculation of determinant has strong skill,this paper summarizes five basic calculation methods and five kinds of special calculation methods. These calculation methods and its application can improve our understanding of determinant and also be helpful for deeply study of the determinant.
Keywords: Determinant; Calculation; Calculation skills
行列式在高等代数课程中是极其重要的一部分,同时,在考研中也占有一定的重要地位,这就使我们有必要对行列式进比较深入的认识。行列式计算在数学中算是比较基础的一部分,但对于一些特殊的矩阵,求它的行列式需要一些技巧。行列式计算的技巧性很强, 在总结已有常规行列式计算方法的基础上,结合历年数学矩阵试题特征性进行分析,对行列式的计算方法和一些技巧进行了更深入的探讨。