关键词: 师幼互动;幼儿;发表见解
Abstract:This article does research on children’s behaviors on expressing their opinions in the process of interaction with their teachers in a day by the method of event sampling and other ways to observe and make a record of the children’s methods of showing their ideas. After getting the objective instance information,an array of jobs such as sorting ,classification,coding,statistics are done with the help of analysis tools.The factors affecting the children’s behavior on expressing opinions are analysized and discussed which include the gender of the child,the scence of the activity,the reaction of the teachers in the interaction with children,the children’s own characteristics and so forth.At the same time,in the course of observing the little children’s behaviors on expressing their own opinions,I have found some teachers’ improper guiding way and some essential resons for some children’s less expressing their opinions.Ultimately,some suggestions are put forward by combining conclusions drawn by the pratical research and the collected pratical researching theory.
Key words: interaction between teacher and children; children; express their opinions