摘 要:幼儿的告状,是指幼儿在他们自己认为受到同伴侵犯或发现某种行为与幼儿园的集体规则、教师的某项要求不相符合时,向教师发起的一种互动行为,这种行为的突出目的是要阻止同伴的行为。众所周知,在幼儿园集体活动中,幼儿之间经常会出现意见不和、争夺玩具和书籍等纠纷。当这些纠纷发展到一定程度的时候,有一方就会告诉老师,以求得老师的公正裁决或给予保护。此时,就需要教师发挥自身的作用,给予幼儿正确的帮助,合理有效的解决纠纷。本文通过亲身实践以及查阅大量文献资料。运用观察法对幼儿的告状行为进行了深入的调查研究,全面剖析了幼儿告状行为产生的原因,幼儿心理,家庭原因和环境原因等,并提出了相应的引导策略,其中根据幼儿告状的形式及内容分别予以不同的引导,多采取鼓励、表扬和支持等正强化措施,而避免使用惩罚。
关键词: 幼儿;告状;社会;师幼互动;指导策略
Abstract:Children's heads behavior, refers to the children in their own perceived peer aggression or find a requirement of certain acts and kindergarten collective rules, teachers do not match, an initiate the interaction behavior to the teacher, highlighting the purpose of this act is to prevent peer behavior. As everyone knows, in the kindergarten collective activities, children often appear discord, for toys and books disputes. When these disputes develops to a certain extent, one will tell the teacher, giving protection to obtain teacher's justice or. At this time, requires teachers to play their own role, to give children the right help, reasonable and effective dispute resolution. In this paper, through personal practice and literature review. By observing report-like behavior of children conducted in-depth investigations and studies, a comprehensive analysis of the reasons, children's report-like behavior of children's psychological, family reasons and environmental reasons, and puts forward some corresponding guidance strategies, which give the different boot respectively according to the form and content of children's heads, to encourage, praise and support such positive reinforcement measures, and avoid the use of punishment.
key words:infant sue society Teacher-child interaction Guiding strategy