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摘 要:《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)中指出: “教师要关注幼儿在活动中的表现和反应,敏感地觉察他们的需要,及时以适当的方式应答,形成合作探究式的师幼互动。”这是新形势下学前教育发展对教师作出的客观要求,也是提升教师自身素质的内在需求。本研究以弥勒县虹溪镇蒲公英幼儿园赵老师为例,旨在了解赵老师在集体教学活动中作为师幼互动发起者、回应者与幼儿之间的动态情况。在研究过程中,笔者运用观察法、访谈法和文献法,了解了赵老师在集体教学活动中与幼儿互动的方式和特点,并根据现状从教师方面、幼儿方面、家长方面和幼儿园方面进行原因分析,探寻出积极有效互动的策略,希望能为师幼互动更好发展提供借鉴和帮助,促进幼儿良好社会性的发展与健康人格的形成。

关键词: 师幼互动; 集体教学活动 ;个案


Abstract:"Kindergarten education guidelines (try out)\" (hereinafter referred to as the outline) pointed out: \"teachers should focus on children's performance in activity and reaction, sensitively aware of their needs and timely response in the appropriate way, form a cooperative inquiry-based young interaction.\" This study in mile county hongxi zhen dandelion kindergarten teacher zhao , for example, using observation method, interview method and literature method to understand zhao  teachers in the teaching activities of the group as a division between young interactive initiator, respondents with children's interaction and dynamic situation, according to the status quo combined with the characteristics teachers and early childhood development characteristics of root cause analysis, explore the positive and effective interaction strategies, to better guide teacher interaction, to promote good social development and the formation of healthy personality.

Keyword:Teacher-children interaction;Collective teaching activities;case