关键词:边疆地区 初中生 课堂睡觉行为 课堂问题行为 有效教学
ABSTRACT:Sleeping in class is one of the common problems in class in junior high school, particularly in border areas where the education quality is relatively backwards and the basic skills of the students are poor. Sleeping behavior seriously affected the quality of students’ learning in the classroom, and will also have a negative impact on teacher's teaching, which to a certain extent hampers the effective teaching, and obstructs improving the quality of teaching. Therefore, how to reduce or avoid students’ sleeping behavior has become an important element of effective classroom instruction. This topic surveys and interviews some students of one urban and two rural middle schools in Lvchun County, Yunnan Province, analyzes reasons of their sleeping in class and the relationships between each other, and proposes appropriate solutions based on the research results.
Keywords: Border areas, junior high school students, sleeping in class, problems in class, effective teaching