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  • 更新时间:2014-06-02
  • 论文字数:12783
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 教育教学 > 初中教育 >
  • 课题来源:(lxswj2006)提供原创文章





Abstract: In China's current reform of the new curriculum, cooperative learning has been one of the three learning methods adopted by the new curriculum along with the independent learning and tentative learning. This thesis concludes the questions lying in the application of collaborative teaching in junior high school biology from the status of application of collaborative teaching, the questionnaire and the analysis of collected data. After the teaching of "the composition of plants” and “plants on the ground”, this thesis proposes some improvement strategies in order to better improve the scientific literacy of biology students. Scientific, rational and flexible use of "cooperative learning" can promote the multiple interactions between teachers and students, students and students, groups and groups, develop the self-learning ability of students more effectively and achieve the maximum effect of collective education.

Key Words: cooperative learning ; teaching;scientific division