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2019年03月25日 更新 “谚语论文”相关信息


The contrastive study of temporal metaphors will offer useful guides for foreign language teaching and foreign-oriented Chinese teaching. Knowing the similarities and differences of temporal metaphors in different languages can make understa...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4972 | 上传日期:2014-03-12


Dans ma thèse, je vais introduire principalement quatre méthodes de traduction soit la traduction littérale, la traduction libre, l’application des proverbes chinois synonymes et la traduction littérale combinée avec la traduction li...
分类:法语论文 | 字数:4808 | 上传日期:2014-02-27


分类:俄语论文 | 字数:3801 | 上传日期:2014-02-17


Aquí en este papel, voy a exponer un punto de vista entorno al tema en las siguientes partes:la definición de proverbios; las diferencias entre los proverbios de español y chino; los métodos de traducción de los proverbios de español...
分类:西班牙语论文 | 字数:5304 | 上传日期:2014-01-26


This paper mainly from the angle of linguistic relativity shows the interaction of language and thought by studying people’s understanding and association of cultural images of Chinese and English proverbs....
分类:英语论文 | 字数:7166 | 上传日期:2014-01-07


Turning next to consider common characteristics of love in English proverbs. Then the differences of love metaphor between English and Chinese proverbs are described. Finally, the comparative analysis of metaphor of love proverbs between Eng...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4599 | 上传日期:2013-12-31


속담은 언어와 문화의 결합체이며 역사의 유산물이다. 언어학적인 측면에서 불 때 속담은 그 나라의 민족의 언어로서 짧은 문장 속에 선인들의 지혜나 경험 등이 담겨져 있는 언어표현...
分类:韩语论文 | 字数:9371 | 上传日期:2013-12-14


한국 전통음식을 더 잘 보이도록 본 논문을 작성하기로 했다. 본문을 통해 전세계 사람들이 한국 전통음식에 대해 많이 알 수 있게 하고자 한다. 그리고 본문의 연구결과를 통해 이 분야...
分类:韩语论文 | 字数:7354 | 上传日期:2013-11-24


한국어 속담에서는생각 없는 행동을 빗대고 있거나, 생각 없는 행동으로 인해 입는 삶의 손실, 노력의 결과가 나타나는 결과의 결실유무 등을 표현함으로써 생각 없는 행동을 하지...
分类:韩语论文 | 字数:7980 | 上传日期:2013-11-15


分类:日语论文 | 字数:5465 | 上传日期:2013-11-07


Foreignization should be mainly employed so as to achieve better conveyance of the cultural peculiarities of both English and Chinese proverbs. And domestication should be used as an important complementary translation strategy. When necess...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:5416 | 上传日期:2013-10-21


Literal translation and free translation are the widely used translation skills. Generally speaking, if the words and the structure from the original sentence are similar to the target sentence, we may choose the Literal translating skill. W...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:9303 | 上传日期:2013-10-11


分类:日语论文 | 字数:6384 | 上传日期:2013-09-28


Domesticated translation and foreignized translation are two important translation strategies that translators use to process the differences. For many years, in the translation industry, the discussions about the two translation strategies ...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:6975 | 上传日期:2013-09-19


Proverb is a short well-known saying that states a general truth, or gives advice. Proverbs come from life and people’s experience, so different countries have different proverbs. Because of differences of natural geography environment...
分类:英语论文 | 字数:4974 | 上传日期:2013-06-18