Abstract:Advertisement, as a result of the staggering rate of social development, is becoming increasingly important in our lives and English advertising slogans, with short, convincing tongue, reflect the theme of advertisement distinctly. Speech act theory, as a quite significant theory of pragmatics, was firstly considered by Austin, which means people usually do things with words. It is easy to detect that speech act theory is embodied in the English advertising slogans if they are analyzed from linguistic perspective.
The paper aims to analyze English advertising slogans through speech act theory to materialize the theory. It can be seen from the essay that the author provided many famous advertising slogans and analyzed speech act theory in these slogans. In the first part of the essay, the author summarized the definition and classification of speech act theory. In the second part, the author provided an introduction of advertising slogans by introducing its concept and functions. Lastly, the analysis of speech act theory in advertising slogans can be seen in the third part of the essay.
Key Words: Analysis, Speech Act,Advertising Slogans
中文摘要:广告, 作为社会高速发展的产物,对于人们来说越来越重要。其主要功能是刺激人们消费。其中,英文广告口号语,以其言简意赅的形式,反映了广告的核心内容。并在阐述产品特点的同时体现了产品的独特之处,从而被人们牢记于心。而作为语用学中一个重要的理论,言语行为起初为奥斯汀提出,讲述人们在通常情况下是依言行事的。因此,从语用学的角度分析,便不难发现广告口号中体现出的言语行为。
关键词:分析 言语行为 广告口号