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The thesis mainly discusses the domestic researches on Jane Austen’ s view of marriage from the period 2000 to 2014. It tries to analyze main changes in the researches on Austen’ s view of marriage in 2000-2014 and tries to find the trends of academic researches during the period. Researches have analyzed Austen’ s view of marriage from various perspectives with the change of time. And the significance of Austen’ value of marriage has been paid attention to, while Austen has also been connected with other female writers abroad and domestically.


Keywords: Jane Austen; view of marriage




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

2. Literature review-1

3.The diachronic developments in 2000-2014-1

3.1 Angles of feminism, rationalism and realism-1

3.2 Focuses on skills of novels, society and morality-2

3.2.1 The combination of the art of the novel-2

3.2.2 The combination of ethics and morality-3

3.2.3 A comparative study on Austen and Eileen Chang-4

3.3 The practical significance-4

3.3.1 The practical significance of Austen’ s view of marriage-4

3.3.2 Discussions on Persuasion-5

3.3.3 The combination of current literary works-6

4.Few points on the researches of Austen’ s view of marriage-6

4.1 Contrasts between Austen and Other female writers on the view of marriage-6

4.1.1 Contrasts on Austen and the Brontë sisters-7

4.1.2 Contrasts on Austen and Eileen Chang-8

4.2 Contrasts on Austen’ s novels discussed in the view of marriage-8

5. Conclusion-8

6. Index-9
