关键字:洋山深水港 自贸区 发展战略 SWOT
Abstract: With the first pilot free trade zone established in Shanghai China,the Yangshan deep-water port and relating shipping service will benefit from this policy.Nowadays,the easablishment of Shanghai pilot free trade zone provides a new and higher platform for Yangshan deep-water port to expand shipping service industry and improve its function to allign with the world.But how to transpose the preferewntial policy into benefits for Yangshan deep-water port is a big challenge.This report will analyze the strengh ,weakness, opportunity and threat of Yangshan deep-water port by contrast with the famous international shipping center like London, Amsterdam, Singapore.The SWOT model is applied to analyze and further more the strategy of Yangshan deep-water port will come up, ,based on the SWOT analysis.
Key words: Yangshan deep-water port Shanghai pilot free trade zone stategy SWOT