【摘 要】:考试作为课程教学评价的重要手段,历来受到学校教学主管部门的高度重视,近年来,随着web技术、数据库技术、网络技术的发展,无纸化逐渐代替了传统的纸质考核方式。无纸化考试具有试题维护简便、考试实施简单、试卷评判公正和有利于实施能力考核等特点。本文从无纸化考试系统的通用性着手,探讨了无纸化考试系统的设计思想,设计并部分开发了无纸化考试系统,该系统也可以作为辅助的试题库或者试卷库来使用。
【关 键 词】: 在线考试;Web技术;标记存储
【Abstract】: Examination as an important means of teaching evaluation, has always been the school director sectional height takes seriously, in recent years, along with the web technology, database technology, the development of network technology, the paperless gradually replaced the traditional paper examination. Paperless examination has a test and maintenance is simple, simple implementation, examination paper examination judge justice and is conducive to the implementation of capacity assessment etc.. This paper from the paper test system of universal proceed, discusses the paperless examination system design idea, design and development of no paper examination system, the system can also be used as auxiliary examination or test paper library to use.
【key words】: online examination; Web technology; mark is stored