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摘要:长江三角洲地区是增长最快的经济体在该地区之一,同时也面临着长三角产业结构趋于相同的挑战。不过,业内人士认为产业同构的区域经济 发展面临的挑战是无法避免的,在经济的快速发展下,产业结构趋同是一个必经 过程,如何将这种危机转化为机会是我们需要思考的内容。在经济发展进程中产 业同构的两种影响会相互交叉地影响着地区或区域的经济,这两种效应是可以同 时存在的,只是不同发展阶段的强弱和主导程度不相同,但产业同构始终是无法 避免的。通过阅读大量相关的文献,对海宁皮革现状进行研究,笔者发现要实现 产业集群,发挥产业同构的有利效应,我们需要从地域地区角度来改变现状,弱 化独立分割的地方概念,追求大局上的全面发展,同时也要注重对新兴行业的扶 持,使得城市间错位发展。

关键词:长三角 产业同构 影响 对策 产业集群


Abstract:Yangtze  River Delta is one of the most active  areas of economic development in China, while it also faces the challenge of the industrial structure convergence. However, the industrial isomorphism appears can not be avoided during the regional economic development.Industrial structure is a necessary process during the rapid and comprehensive construction in one region. These two effects are likely to exist at the same time, but the strength and dominance of them are different. Read through a lot of literature, research on the status of Haining leather, I found a cluster to achieve market play isomorphic beneficial effects industry, we need to change the status not only by weakening local segmentation concept and pursuing the overall development, but also focusing on support for emerging industries, making inter-urban dislocation development.

Key word: Yangtze River Delta Industrial isomorphism effects measure Industrial Division Industrial Cluster