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   目的:小蓟是菊科蓟属植物,又名刺儿菜,是一种食疗兼备的传统中药。具有凉血、止血和祛瘀等功效。对小蓟石油醚萃取部位的组分A部分进行分离纯化与鉴定,为进一步开发利用小蓟提供科学依据。方法:应用各种分离纯化技术,包括正、反相常压色谱和制备型HPLC以及凝胶(Sephadex LH-20)等色谱方法,对其进行系统的分离纯化。并用1D-NMR波谱技术,对分离得到的化合物的化学结构进行分析鉴定。结果:从小蓟的石油醚萃取部位的组分A部分中分离得到1个化合物,并确定其结构为羽扇豆酮。




   Objective: Cirsium setosum(Wild.)MB. belonging to Cephalanoplos Cirsium family, also known as Ci-Er-Cai, is a edible and traditional Chinese medicine. Cirsium setosum has the function of cooling blood, hemostasis, removing blood stasis and so on. This paper describes chemical investigations on the fraction B of petroleum ether extract of Cirsium setosum, to provide the scientific basis for further development and utilization. Methods: A variety of chromatographic techniques, including RP-pressure chromatography, HPLC and gel (Sephadex LH-20) chromatography method, were applied for isolation and purification. Its structure was identified by 1D NMR spectroscopic methods. Results: One compound was isolated from the fraction B of petroleum ether extract of Cirsium setosum, and elucidated as lupenone.

Key words: Cirsium setosum; isolation and purification; lupenone