摘要:本实验以茶叶籽为研究对象,采用乙醇回流提取法对茶叶籽中的黄酮类化合物进行提取。以总黄酮提取量为指标,以乙醇体积分数、液料比、提取时间、提取温度为相关因素进行单因素实验,确定最佳的单因素实验条件。在单因素实验的基础上,通过响应面分析法优化乙醇体积分数,提取温度和液料比三个参数,最终得到其最佳的提取工艺条件为:液料比为1:28,乙醇体积分数56 %,提取温度83 ℃,提取时间2 h,总黄酮提取量10.8326 mg/g。
Abstract:The optimal extractire conditions of tea seed flavonoids with ethanol as solvents were studies in this paper. To extract amount as an index, flavonoids in ethanol volume fraction, liquid material ratio, extraction time, extracting temperature for correlative factors on the single factor experiment, determine the best single factor experiment conditions. On the basis of single factor experiment, by the response surface method optimization ethanol volume fraction extraction temperature and liquid materials, than three parameters, and ultimately get the best extraction conditions were: liquid ratio of 1:28, ethanol 56 % concentration, extraction temperature 83 ℃, extraction time 2 h, the amount of flavonoids extracted 10.8326 mg / g.
Keywords: tea seed; ethanol extraction; single factor; response surface methodology
本次实验采用乙醇回流法对茶叶籽中的黄酮类化合物进行提取,通过单因素实验确定单个提取的最佳条件,在单因素提取的基础上,进行Box-Behnken试验设计,并进行响应面分析对提取条件进行优化,拟合了料水比、提取时间、提取温度这三个因素对还原力的回归方程:确定了影响还原力显著性依次为:提取温度>提取时间>液料比。最后根据实际操作情况,确定了较优工艺条件为:液料比为28:1,乙醇体积分数56 %,提取温度83 ℃,提取时间2 h,黄酮提取量10.8326 mg/g。