关键词:超氧化物歧化酶 过氧化物酶 过氧化氢酶 多酚氧化酶 水果
Abstract:In this paper, Strawberry and Cherry as test material, through two kinds of fruits during storage of superoxide dismutase activity, the activity of peroxidase, catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity detection, study the preservation process that the activity of several enzymes in. Using nitrogen blue four triazole, guaiacol method, ultraviolet absorption method and catechol method to test for determination of fruit Research results show that, with the extension of storage period, antioxidant enzymes of antioxidant capacity decreased. Various antioxidant enzymes are the effective suppression of the senescence of fruit. From the data on see, varieties of strawberry varieties of Shu Xiang than for Tian Xiang and Yan Xiang strawberry antioxidant ability stronger, and strawberry and cherry, cherry antioxidant capacity is stronger than strawberry. Cherry storage period SOD activity drop; POD and CAT activity is rising; After the first decline in PPO rising trend; And strawberry storage period, the ‘TianXiang’ and ‘YanXiang’ SOD declined, and ‘ShuXiang’ SOD activity is rising; ‘ShuXiang’POD activity is rising trend, and ‘TianXiang’ and ‘YanXiang’ POD stable; ‘ShuXiang’ of SOD and POD and CAT were higher than ‘TianXiang’ and ‘YanXiang’; but PPO’ s active is less than ‘TianXiang’and ‘YanXiang’.
Key Words:Superoxide dismutase Peroxidase Catalase polyphenol oxidase fruit
由实验得出,对于樱桃果实。低温贮藏期间,SOD活性呈下降趋势;POD和CAT活性呈上升趋势;PPO呈先下降后上升趋势;POD和PPO活性强弱一定程度上可以作为樱桃果实衰老程度的指征。 对于草莓果实。低温贮藏期间,‘天香’和‘燕香’SOD呈下降趋势,而‘书香’SOD活性呈上升趋势;‘书香’POD活性呈升高趋势,而‘天香’和‘燕香’POD变化平稳;‘书香’SOD、POD和CAT活性高于‘天香’和‘燕香’;而PPO活性却低于‘天香’和‘燕香’。单从四种酶的活性变化无法判断不同品种草莓贮藏性能和衰老程度。需要更多实验进一步研究。