【关键词】:水稻黑条矮缩病; 灰飞虱; 抗性评价
【Abstract】:The methods of artificial inoculation at seedling stage,non-preference test and antibiosis test were taken to analyze the resistance to rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) and the vector,small brown planthopper (SBPH) [Laodelphax striatellus Fallén] for the purpose of screening the resistance mechanism of the major rice. The results turned out that the resistance to RBSDV and the vector SBPH was not consistent among the different rice varieties.The analyses of resistance of tetep indicated that had non-preference but not are antibiosised to rice , while the resistance of rice black-streaked dwarf disease were inclined to be infected by antibiosis. Asfor material of tetep is expected to promote resistance can be produced rice black-streaked dwarf disease good varieties.
【Key words】: rice black-streaked dwarf disease ; Laodelphax striatellus Fallén; resistance evaluation
目前生产上采用的治虫防病方法只能作为一种应急防治策略,而选育和应用抗病品种无疑是最为经济环保和长效的防治策略之一[5, 6]。前人在抗性品种资源的鉴定和发掘方面已经开展了一些研究,但同一种品种在不同研究间甚至同一研究中的鉴定结果中往往有不一致的现象,这给围绕抗病品种开展的遗传学研究和选育带来了一定的影响[7-11]。为此,本研究在前期突破了RSV干扰和毒源保存[12]两大技术性瓶颈的基础上,对水稻品种进行人工接种鉴定和重病区田间鉴定来确定其对RBSDV的抗性水平;同时还对其进行抗虫性检测,分析其对介体灰飞虱的抗性水平,以期为生产实践中选择合适的水稻品种和制定有效的综合防治策略提供理论依据。