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摘要: 近几年来江宁部分区域养殖用水体发生明显污染,导致区域水体经常出现异常气味,部分鱼苗死亡,生长其中的芦苇及香蒲也受到了威胁并相继腐烂死亡。为了寻求降低污染减少鱼苗死亡率的途径,根据对江宁养殖水域内的沉水植物种类、生物量和覆盖度的调查,并通过设置不同温度下几种沉水植物的培养对水中溶氧量影响的室内实验,进行了利用沉水植物提高水体含氧量,改善水质的研究。结果表明,温度在15℃-30℃之间向水中加入狐尾藻可以提高水体的含氧量达136%,而在温度在0℃时加入茨藻可以提高水体的氧含量达121%此结果可以为江宁的养殖水体水质保护提供参考。

关键词: 沉水植物 溶解氧 养殖水体 江宁养殖湖  测定


Abstract: In recent years, breeding lake waters have been polluted dramatically in some areas of JiangNing ,water appearing smelly , some small fish deading, reeds and cattails in water areas being also threatened and decaying successively. In order to reduce the mortality of small fish, we investigate species of submerged plants, plant biomasses and coverages in breeding lake waters of JiangNing . And through several indoor experiments which treatments of different temperature on submerged plants detect the contents of oxygen in the waters, we study using submerged plant to improve water's oxygen content and the water quality . The results show that adding myriophyllumverticillatum to the breeding waters, water's oxygen content can be increased to136% under temperature from 15 ℃to 30 ℃Adding Najas marina to the breeding waters, water's oxygen content can be increased to121% under temperature 0℃. Our results can provide the reference for the protection of water quality in JiangNing breeding lake waters. 

Keyword: Submerged plant; Dissolved oxygen; Aquaculture; Breeding lakes in JiangNing; detect