摘要:本文在实验室条件下,采用琼脂平板法,研究了不同浓度的铜离子(CK、2、4、6、10、40mg/L )对菊苣(Cichorium intybus L.)种子萌发的影响。结果表明:(1)① MS培养基培养的种子,其种子发芽率和芽长值随着铜离子浓度的升高出现明显的峰值;而其根长值随着铜浓度升高变化不大、峰值不明显。②糖水培养基培养的种子,其种子发芽率和根长值随着铜离子浓度的升高出现明显的峰值;而其芽长值随着铜浓度升高变化不大、峰值不明显。
关键词: 菊苣;种子;铜离子;发芽率;培养基
Abstract:A experiment was conducted to study the effects of different concentration(CK, 0, 2, 4, 10, and 40 mg/L) Cu2+ and different culture medium in nutrient solution on the growth of Cichorium intybus L.. The result is: (1) ①The germination rate and the number of shoot length had the maximum when the seeds grew in MS culture medium. But the number of root length changed slightly when the density of Cu2+ was different. ②The germination rate and the number of root length had the maximum when the seeds grew in water-sugar culture medium. But the number of shoot length changed slightly when the density of Cu2+ was different.
(2) ①When the density of Cu2+ was 0mg/L-4mg/L , the copper ions promoted the germination rate, and there was the largest germination rate at 4mg/L of Cu2+ . When the density of Cu2+ was 4mg/L-10mg/L , the copper ions refrained germination obviously. The number of germination rate reduced quickly. When the density of Cu2+ reached 10mg/L and more, the germination rate reduced slowly. ②When the density of Cu2+ was 0mg/L-2mg/L , the copper ions promoted the number of root length and shoot length. When the density of Cu2+ was 2mg/L-10mg/L , the copper ions refrained root growth and shoot growth obviously. The number of root length and shoot length reduced quickly. The root and shoot grew best at 2mg/L of Cu2+.There is a highest germination rate when the density of copper ions was 4mg/L. When the density of Cu2+ reached 10mg/L, the number of root length and shoot length reduced slowly. And the root could’ t grow nearly.
Key words: Cichorium intybus L. ; seed ;copper ions;germination rate;culture medium