摘要:本实验分别采用0 mmol/L、50 mmol/L、100 mmol/L、150 mmol/L、200 mmol/L、250 mmol/L和300 mmol./L的单盐(NaCl)溶液配成10 ug/ml外源赤霉素(GA3)的混合液处理马齿苋种子,以研究单盐和赤霉素对马齿苋种子萌发的效应。结果表明,和单盐溶度下相比,赤霉素对马齿苋种子的萌发效果显著,特别表现在对休眠前的种子显著,表现为随着溶液浓度的升高发芽率跟着增大,对株高和根长都有影响,其中对50 mmol/L的影响效果最显著。
Abstract: Protulaca oleracea L seeds was treatmented with 0 mmol.L-1、50 mmol.L-1、100 mmol.L-1、150 mmol.L-1、200 mmol.L-1、250 mmol.L-1和300 mmol.L-1single salt (nacl) solution made up with 10ug.ml-1 exogenous (GA3) mixture of processing portulaca oleracea L seeds, so as to research in single salt and gibberellin of seed germination of portulaca oleracea L effect. The results show that, and single salt under solubility, compared to the germination of seeds portulaca oleracea L gibberellin effect is remarkable, especially in terms of seed dormancy before significantly, for the performance of the solution with concentration increases with increasing the germination percentage of plant height and root length have influence, among them with 50 mmol.L-1 the effects of the most significant.
Key words: Protulaca oleracea L, Exogenous GA3, NaCl stress, Germination