关键词 丝氨酸蛋白酶;原核表达载体;P.ananatis
Abstract:Activity center of serine protease family is constituted by a set of characteristic amino acid residues, which has a serine. The main function of this protease family is to break macro- molecular proteins to smaller ones in peptide bond. Serine protease family members perform a variety of physiological functions and have a wide range of research and application value. In the paper, a prokaryotic P. ananatis serine protease vector was constructed with genetic engineering technology, and the recombinant serine protease was expressed in E. coli. Restriction endo- nuclease analysis of recombinatant plasmid and electrophoresis of induced protein from recombinant bacteria show the successful construction of the recombinant serine protease prokaryotic expression vector. The paper provides foundation for the further development and utilization of novel serine protease.
Keywords Serine protease Prokaryotic expression vector P. ananatis