摘要:兴趣是最好的老师,是人们力求探究某种事物或从事某种活动的倾向。它往往也是推动人去探究知识、理解事物的一种积极的内驱力。在体育运动中,体育兴趣是学生从事体育学习和锻炼的内在动力,是学生体育学习和锻炼中“最积极,最活跃的一个心理因素”。 教师要把激发、培养、巩固学习兴趣贯穿于教学的始终, 提高学生学习的主动性, 促进学生得全面发展和健康成长。本文以问卷调查法、资料收集法、数理统计法等对XX学院各年级学生的体育学习兴趣进行研究,分析目前学生体育学习兴趣的总体现状,了解不同年级、性别的学生,分别在体育学习兴趣上的特征, 对我校开展的各项体育课的喜爱程度,分析影响学生体育兴趣的原因,找出教师如何才能在课堂上激发学生的体育兴趣,帮助学生增强体质,掌握应用基本的体育知识与运动技能,为学生终身体育的意识打下良好的基础。
【关键词】XX学院 体育兴趣 体育教学 调查分析
Abstract:the interest is the best teacher, is the people trying to discover something or a tendency to engage in certain activities.It is also often drive people to explore knowledge, understand a positive drive.In sports, sports interest is for students to engage in sports and exercise study of intrinsic motivation, is the student sports study and exercise in the most positive positive ", one of the most active factors".Teachers should stimulate interest in learning, training, consolidate through in the teaching has always been, enhance students' learning initiative, to promote students' comprehensive development and healthy growth.Based on the investigation method of the questionnaire, data collection method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis and so on the Nanjing Xiaozhuang University students in all grades of sport learning interest for research, analysis of current students' interests of the overall situation, understand the different grade, gender of students in physical education learning interest, the characteristics, to my school to carry out the various sports classes like degree, analysis of the impact of student sports interest the reason, find out how could the teacher in the classroom stimulate students' interest in sports, to help students to enhance physical fitness, grasp the application of basic sports knowledge and skill, for the student lifelong physical culture consciousness and lay a good foundation.
【Key words】 Nanjing Xiaozhuang University Interest in sports Physical education teaching Investigation and analysis
体育兴趣是影响学生参加体育活动自觉性和积极性的重要因素,也是影响学生活动效果主要因素。浓厚的学习兴趣会让学生乐于学习,激发学生潜在学习动机。体育学习兴趣对体育教学具有积极的、主动的促进的作用,浓厚的体育兴趣既能给学生带来持久的、主动的动力, 也是培养学生良好的进取动机及思维能力与实践能力的有效途径。如何通过体育教学提高学生的体育兴趣,促进学生身心全面发展,也许是当下学校体育改革的方向。本文通过对XX学院各年级学生的体育学习兴趣进行研究,分析其主要存在的问题及原因,得出相关结论,并提出建议。以兴趣为切入点,激发学习动机。充分调动学生体育锻炼的积极性,从而加强学生终身体育的意识。