摘要:采用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈、数理统计等研究方法对南京市六个主城区(鼓楼区、建邺区、玄武区、秦淮区、白下区、下关区)的各类人群和学校进行调查研究,了解学校体育设施对外开放的现状,结果显示: 南京市大部分学校相关负责人对学校体育场馆设施实行社会共享具有基本正确的认识, 但受经费、安全、管理等因素的制约, 实际操作情况不尽人意。由此总结学校体育场地开放中的有效做法和成功经验,为学校体育场地、设施开放提出了既合理又可行的科学建议。
关键词: 南京,学校体育设施,开放
Abstract:Using literature data, questionnaires, interviews, statistics and other research methods on the six main city of Nanjing (Drum Tower District, Jianye District, Xuanwu District, Qinhuai District, Baixia, Shimonoseki zone) to investigate all types of people and schools Studies to find out the status of school sports facilities outside world, the results show: Nanjing relevant person in charge most of the schools sports facilities for the implementation of the school community to share knowledge and have a basic right, subject to funding, security, management and other factors, the actual operation Unsatisfactory situation. Opening of school sports fields which summarize the effective practices and successful experiences for the school sports facilities open to both reasonable and feasible to put forward the scientific advice.
Keywords:Nanjing, school sports facilities, open
伴随着《全民健身计划纲要》的实施;北京奥运的成功举办以及即将到来的南京青奥会,全民健身事业的浪潮已经被推向了一个新高峰。人们通过运动健身提高健康水平以适应社会发展需要的意识越来越高, 居民健身需求与体育设施资源严重不足的矛盾更加突出。而学校体育设施是社会体育资源的重要组成部分,全民健身对体育资源的需求与群众体育设施资源的相对匮乏,迫切要求开放学校体育设施,实现资源共享。因此,学校体育设施的对外开放问题成为了一个热点、焦点问题, 引起了各界的广泛关注。