摘 要:在我国中学阶段的物理教学中,对于物理模型思维能力及其培养往往被忽略,这就不利于学生掌握科学的研究方法。物理模型是根据所研究对象的形状、运动过程、状态等特征,抓住主要因素,忽略次要因素而建立起来的一种抽象的、理想化的实体、概念和过程。它在物理研究中可以起到可化抽象为形象、化复杂为简单的作用,并有利于发挥人们的想象力,指示研究方向。在中学物理的教学实践中,我们完全有必要而且也可以通过课堂教学和课外活动来培养中学生的物理模型思维能力。本次论文我主要在物理模型的基本内容和如何在教学之中培养学生的模型思维能力进行较为深入的讨论,相信会给读者带来一点启示。
Abstract:In our secondary school physics teaching, thinking and physical model is often overlooked, this does not help students master the scientific research methods. Physical model is based on the shape of the object being studied, movement, status and other characteristics, to seize the main factors, ignoring the minor factors established an abstract, idealized entities, concepts and processes. It can be played in the physics of the abstract can be the image of the complex to the simple role, and that will help people's imagination, direct research. Teaching practice in secondary school physics, we can be absolutely necessary and extra-curricular activities through classroom teaching and to train students in the physical model of thinking skills. The thesis of my main elements in the physical model and how to train students in the teaching model into thinking in a more in-depth discussion, I believe the reader will bring some enlightenment
Keywords: Physical model, thinking ability, capacity-building