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【摘要】目的  本研究旨在了解当前大学生的人际归因现状的特点及其与一般自我效能感的关系。方法  采用多维度—多归因因果量表(the Multidimensional-Multiattributional Causality Scale , 简称MMCS)中的人际关系分量表和一般自我效能感量表(the General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale , 简称GSES)对相关院校的402名本科大学生进行问卷调查。结果  ①当前大学生整体人际归因倾向于内归因。②当前大学生对总体人际状况的归因性别差异不显著;女生的情境因素得分显著高于男生。③当前大学生对人际成功经验的归因偏向于内部归因,而对人际失败经验的归因偏向于外部归因;在对人际成功经验的归因上,能力和情境因素的得分上女生明显高于男生;在对人际失败经验的归因上性别差异不显著。④当前大学生的人际归因专业差异不显著。⑤当前大学生的人际归因总分与一般自我效能感之间不存在显著的相关关系。⑥在人际归因的各因素中,努力因素与一般自我效能感呈显著的正相关。

【关键词】 大学生;人际归因;一般自我效能感


【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the status of college students’ interpersonal attribution and explore the correlation between interpersonal attribution and general self-efficacy. Methods: A total of 402 college students were investigated by the Interpersonal Relationship Subscale of Multidimensional-Multiattribution  -al Causality Scale(MMCS)by Lefcourt et al and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) by Ralf Sehwa  -rzer. Results: 1. The overall interpersonal attribution of current college students appear to be interal. 2. There was no statistically significant difference between the overall interpersonal attribution scores of females and males. And females showed higher scores of background than male. 3. Under the condition of interpersonal communication success, the college students’ interpersonal attribution was interal, while it was external under the condition of failure. And under the  condition of interpersonal communication success, females showed higher scores of ability or background than males. And there was no statistically significant difference between scores of females and males under the condition of failure.  4. The interpersonal attribution scores showed no statistically significant difference between females and males. 5. Pearson correlation analysis showed that there were no positive correlations between college students’ overall interpersonal attribution style and the self-efficacy. 6. The scores of effort there positive correlations between the self-efficacy.

【Key Words】 college students ; interpersonal attribution ; general self-efficacy