摘 要:宿舍人际关系对大学生的学习生活和身心健康有直接的重要影响。本研究采取问卷调查法,对随机抽取的246名西北民族大学维吾尔族大学生进行了宿舍人际关系特点的调查研究,分析了维吾尔族大学生宿舍人际关系现状和特点、存在的问题及其原因,认为维吾尔族大学生宿舍人际关系总体上是和谐、相互信任的。
ABSTRACT:Dormitory interpersonal relationship of college students has direct important influence on the students’ learning life and health. 246 Uygur students in Northwest University for Nationalities were investigated to explore the dormitory interpersonal relationship. In the study, the author analyzed the status quo, relationship characteristics, the problem and the reasons of Uygur students’ dormitory interpersonal relationship. The study proposed that there was harmonious and trustful during the communication among Uygur students.
Key words:Uygur college students, Dormitory interpersonal relationship, Interpersonal trust