【摘要】 本研究以南京江宁大学城四所高校、一至四年级的386名女大学生为研究对象,采用大学生主观幸福感量表和艾森克人格问卷成人版,考察女大学生的主观幸福感与人格特征的相互关系。结果表明:(1)女大学生主观幸福感在生源地、年级和是否独生子女上存在显著性差异,在专业上不存在显著性差异。(2)人格特征与主观幸福感存在一定关系,其中外向性与主观幸福感呈正相关,对主观幸福感有正向预测作用;精神质和神经质与主观幸福感呈负相关,对主观幸福感有负向预测作用。
【关键词】 女大学生;主观幸福感;人格特征
[Abstract] This study uses College Students’Subjective Well-being Schedule and EPQ ,to test the subjective well-being and its relationship with personality of 386 female college students in four colledges in Nanjing Jiangning College Town.With the data processed by SPSS,the main results of this research are as follows:(1)Differences in hometowns,grades and being the single child or not,rather than in majors,lead to the apparent differences in female college students'subjective well-being;(2)Among the three personality dimensions, extraversion has positive effects on subjective well-being,with a positive forecast on it,while psychoticism and neuroticism work oppositely.
[Key words] Female college students Subjective well-being Personality traits