摘要: 采用吸附法处理抗生素污染水体,以Fe掺杂MCM为吸附剂对喹诺酮类抗生素左氧氟沙星进行静态吸附试验,考察接触时间、温度、初始药物浓度、pH 值、离子强度等对吸附性能的影响。利用紫外-可见分光光度计测定吸附前后药物浓度,计算吸附量qe ,从而寻求最佳吸附条件。结果表明:Fe掺杂MCM对左氧氟沙星(ZF)具有较强的吸附性能。Fe掺杂MCM对左氧氟沙星(ZF)的吸附在经历初始快速吸附阶段和后续缓慢吸附阶段后,约8 h 达到吸附平衡。其吸附性能依赖于pH条件和溶液中离子水平。同时初始药物浓度和实验温度对Fe-MCM的吸附性能也存在不同程度地影响。
Abstract Objective: To treat levofloxacin in water by adsorption to metal Fe-doped MCM,and to study contact time, temperature, initial drug concentration, pH, ionic strength on the adsorption properties affected. Using UV spectrophotometry to determine drug concentrations, calculating adsorption amount qe , seeking the best conditions attached. The results show that Fe-doped MCM to levofloxacin (ZF) has a strong adsorption. Adsorption of Fe-doped MCM levofloxacin (ZF) is experiencing rapid adsorption stage, and after an initial slow phase adsorption reached equilibrium, adsorption equilibrium time of about 8 h. The adsorption performance depends on pH conditions and the level of ions in solution. There are varying degrees of influence while the initial drug concentration and temperature .
Keywords: levofloxacin; Mesoporous materials; adsorption; pollution; treatment