摘 要:随着社会经济的发展,传统的商业模式已经不能满足日益发展的消费需求,相对传统的消费心理:从众,攀比,求异,求实已不能完全解释目前出现的消费行为。而随着在新媒体之上建立的商业模式的发展壮大,消费者心理又发生了变化,出现了较为典型的冲动性消费,面子消费,盲从心理和心理价位。面对这个变化,国内外涉及的都不是很多,本文通过问卷调差和查找文献相结合的研究方法,得出了新媒体的营销还没有达到让所有消费者盲从的地步,但效果显而易见,使一部分消费者不理性消费;大部分消费者对待新媒体商业模式是一种理性的态度;新媒体商业模式正在改变传统商业模式以及消费者的消费理念。
关键词 新媒体商业模式,消费心理,调查分析,营销
ABSTRACT:With the development of society and economy, the traditional business model has been unable to meet the growing consumer demand, relatively lower consumer psychology: herd, comparisons, surprise, truth can not fully explain the emergence of the current consumer behavior. With the development of new media on the growth of established business models, consumer psychology has changed, there have been more typical face consumption, blindly psychology, impulsive consumption and psychological level. Faced with this change, at home and abroad are not involved in a lot of paper questionnaires by poor research methods and find the combination of literature, obtained new media marketing has not yet reached the point of blind obedience to all consumers, but the effect is obvious, in part consumer spending spree together; most consumers towards the new media business model is a rational attitude; new media business models are changing the traditional business model and consumer concept.
Key words: New media business models, Consumer psychology, Investigation analysis,Marketing