内容摘要:“公意”这一概念是理解卢梭人民主权思想的基石,也是一个最具有争议的核心概念。就主权者而言,“公意”是人们订立契约而产生的不受个人意志左右的主权者的公共意志;就人民而言,“公意”是一种以公共利益为归宿、以社会幸福为宗旨的全体人民共同的经常意志;就其本身而言,“公意”是来自于人的本性、类似于自然法的一种理性实体。“公意”的表现形态是法律。 它具有完全性、正确性、至上性、不可转让性、不可替代性。“公意”是由全民直接投票形成的。区别于众意,“公意”只着眼于公共的利益,众意则着眼于私人的利益。社会契约是“公意”产生的前提,主权在民是“公意”的本质,而公共幸福则是“公意”的目标。在“公意”的最高指导下,卢梭构建了他独特而周全的政治理论大厦。
关键词:公意 社会契约 主权在民 法律 卢梭
Abstract:The concept of the General Will is the basis to understand Rousseau’s theory on people’s sovereignty. It’s also one of the most controversial concepts among his political theories. In terms of the sovereignty, General Will is a public will of the sovereignty which can’t be influenced by any other private will when people conclude the agreement and produce community among people; in terms of the people , General Will is a common will of all the people,representing public interests and aimed at society happiness; in terms of the itself, General Will is the rational existence like natural law, which comes from humanity. Law is the record on the General Will. There are four basic characteristics of the General Will. First, it is complete which means that it includes the will of all the people. Second, it’s always right. Third, General Will is loftiest. Forth, General Will can’t be transferred. At last, it can’t be replaced. Besides, General Will differs from the public will, which is based on public interests.But public will is based on private interest. The social agreement is the prerequisite of the General Will, while people’ sovereignty is the essence of it. and public happiness is its final goal. Guided by the General Will, Rousseau established his unique and perfect political theories.
Key words: General Will , the social agreement, people’s sovereignty,law,Rousseau