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摘要:2008 年9 月,Google 发表了Android 开放源码计划,释出Android 程序代码。紧接着运营商德国T-Mobile 在纽约正式发布第一款Android手机T-MobileG1。该款手机为台湾宏达电代工制造,是世界上第一部使用Android 操作系统的手机,支持WCDMA/HSPA 网络,理论下载速率7.2Mbps,并支持Wi-Fi。截止目前已经有多款使用Android 的智能手机 ,超过 5 万的应用程序。在不到3年时间的发展中,据Canalys发布的最新统计数据显示,Android智能手机今年第一季度凭借35%的市场份额,成为全球最大的智能手机平台。




Abstract:In September 2008, Google released the Android open source project, releasing Android code.Followed by operator in Germany t-mobile released the first Android mobile phone in New York T-MobileG1.The phone for Taiwan HTC OEM manufacture, is the world's first mobile phones using Android operating systems, support for WCDMA/HSPA network, 7.2Mbps the theoretical download rate, and supports Wi-Fi.As of now with an extensive use of Android smartphones, more than 50,000 applications.In less than 3 years of development, according to Canalys released the latest statistics show that Android Smartphone with 35% market share in the first quarter of this year, as the world's largest Smartphone platform.

  With the advances in the development of the Internet, people use networks for resource sharing and collaborative work has increasingly become the trend of the times, using a variety of software lives on the Web, has become an irreversible trend.Design of this title for the purpose of using what you have learned, skilled use of development tools, develop a mobile bus route query software, and controlled by the Android platform design and implementation of application software, and design ideas by writing graduation theses, enhance document writing ability.

Keywords:android;transit route query;smartphone platform