摘要:本文系统的介绍了基于DS18B20温度传感器的单片机测温控制系统的组成、设计方案、电路原理、程序设计以及系统仿真过程。系统是以AT89C51单片机作为控制核心,智能温度传感器DS18B20为控制对象,用LCD1602显示所测温度,运用C语言实现系统的各种功能。同时,系统可以实现高低温报警,若所测温度超出设定范围,相关器件就会自动报警。该系统结构简单,功耗较低,测温范围为- 10℃~ + 40℃。系统的测温精度可以达到±0.5 ℃,并且能稳定的与单片机和PC 机通讯。
关键词:DS18B20; 单片机; LCD1602; 高低温报警
ABSTRACT:The paper introduces the composition,design project, circuit principle, program design and the process of simulation of the single chip microprocessors’ temperature measurement control system based on DSl8B20 systematically. The system uses SCM AT89C51 as control core, the intelligent temperature sensor DSl8B20 as control object,LCD LM016L ad display output and performs system functions by C-language. At the same time , the system can achieve high and low temperature alarm, if the measured temperature exceeds the setting range, the device will automatically alert relevant .The system is simple, low power consumption, temperature range from - 10 ℃ to +40 ℃, System temperature measurement accuracy can reach ± 0.5 ℃, and can be stable with the microcontroller and PC-machine communication.
Keywords: DS18B20; single chip microprocessor; assembler; LCD1602; achieve high and low temperature alarm;