摘 要:我国农药生产和使用具有三高的特点:年生产量高,每年生产约40万t原药,位居世界第二位;品种结构不合理,杀虫剂产量高,约占农药总产量的70% ,这样就构成了对农产品和食品的严重威胁,进入环境中的农药有些被降解产生无毒或毒性更强的代谢产物,有些在环境中大量残留,再加上农民滥用、乱用农药现象普遍存在。
ABSTRACT:In our country, Production and use of pesticides has three high characteristics: First It is high levels of annual production, annual production of about 400,000 t of the original drug , It ranked second in the world .what’s worse , The variety structure is irrational and high production of pesticides , it is about 70% of total pesticides. So this create a serious threat to agricultural and food product.
The study on Extracted optimization of (organ chlorines) Heptachlor from Coptis used Yunnan Coptis as raw material and studies to residue the extraction method in the traditional Chinese medicine of the organic chlorine pesticides and obtains in the traditional Chinese medicine by the time the organic chlorine agricultural chemicals highly effectively, simply, fast, the duplicated good extraction method, to further study in the typical traditional Chinese medicine the organic chlorine pesticide residue to provide the earlier period research foundation.
Keywords:coptis root;organochlorines;agriculture residual;oas ohromatography