摘 要:月球是离地球最近的天体,亮度也仅次于太阳,历来是人类天文活动的首选目标,自然也是人类走出地球摇篮,迈向浩瀚宇宙的第一步。月球也是地球唯一的天然卫星,是人类唯一的、庞大而稳固的“天然空间站”,是人类征服太阳系、开展深空探测的前哨阵地和转运站。在月球上建立永久性“地球村”,是人类向外层空间发展的第一个目标,也是最关键的一步,因此我们进一步了解月球是很必要的。然而要进一步了解月球,我们就得发射月球卫星,发射月球卫星就得先了解月球卫星的轨道及所需要满足的一些条件。文章将采用受有心力作用下的物体的轨道问题,集合嫦娥一号的一些数据计算出卫星到达月球的速度的初始条件及在初始条件下的卫星在地球上与月球上的轨道方程。
ABSTRACT:The Moon is the nearest heven body to the Earth and the moon’s brightness is only also inferior to the sun, The moon is always the human astronomy activity first choice goal, is also naturally the humanity goes out the Earth cradle, advances to the vast universe the first step. The Moon is also the Earth only natural satellite, is the humanity only, huge and stable “the natural space station”, is the humanity conquers solar system, to carry out the deep space survey the outpost position and the transfer post. Establishes the permanence on the Moon “the global village”, is the humanity to the outer space development first goal, is also most essential one step, therefore we further understood that the Moon is very essential. However must further understand the Moon, we on launch the selenoid, launches the selenoid on to understand the first selenoid the track and needs to satisfy some conditions. This article will plan to use is had a mind under the action of force object orbital question, gathers a Chang E some data to calculate the satellite to arrive at Moon's speed initial condition and under the initial condition satellite on the Earth and Moon's orbital equation
Keywords:Lunar exploration; Lunar satellite; Lunar satellite orbit; The efforts of the movement; Earth; The Moon orbit the Earth; Lunar orbit; Object