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摘要:利用氮磷检测器( NPD) 的气相色谱仪测定三七中甲胺磷、乙基对硫磷农药残留量。实验中采用索氏提取,单溶剂分析丙酮提取,离心分离进行分离及分析活性炭层析柱进行净化,旋转蒸发仪浓缩,分析丙酮定容,用GC970Ⅱ气相色谱-NPD检测器测定,外标法定量,实验结果得出。



ABSTRACT:By using the Nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD) of the gas chromatograph to determine the Pesticide Residues of Methamidophos and Ethyl parathion in Panax Notoginseng . Within the experiment,take use of the soxhlet extractor to extract the single solvent,Analytical grade acetone to extract,Centrifuge to separate and activated carbon column to purify,rotary evaporator to concentrate,analytical grade acetone to Constant volume, GC-NPD detector to determine, method of external standard to quantitative, and the results obtained.

Keywords: Esticide residues of organic phosphorus; Panax notoginseng; Soxhlet extractor to extract;Rotary evaporator to concentrate ; Centrifuge; activated carbon column to purificate ; Gas chromatography to determine


目前国内外对有机磷农药检测方法主要有:色谱法、光谱法、生物化学法、免疫分析法、生物传感技术等,而常用的提取方法有超声法、微博萃取法、索氏提取、振荡法等[3]。但研究对象大多限于蔬菜、水果、谷类等[3]。中草药虽有涉略,但对三七中有机磷农药残留量的检测报道却极为少见,也就没有一套系统的分析方法。为了了解有机磷农药在三七上的残留动态和污染状况, 本方案将索氏提取技术用于检测三七中的有机磷农药残留,建立了使用索氏提取—气相色谱法检测三七中有机磷农药残留量的方法。