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摘  要:光在实际生活中应用广泛,根据波长的不同作为不同信息的传递载体。在光学理论中,测量光波波长的常见方法有双棱镜干涉、透射光栅、迈克尔逊干涉仪等方法。本文从双棱镜干涉、透射光栅、迈克尔逊干涉仪三个方面进行实验研究。在迈克尔逊干涉中系统地说明了非定域干涉和定域干涉,测定分析激光、钠灯光谱的波长,并用逐差法与平均值法处理实验数据,得出在此类间隔数据中应用逐差法处理可以有效的减小误差。在双棱镜干涉中应用了常用的二次成像法测量波长,分析指出此方法的缺陷及相对误差较大的原因,并以此为基础,通过数学论证和推理应用,结合实际拓展出二次共轭法测量光波波长,对比二次成像法它有效的提高了测量精度,减小了相对误差,二者有相似与差异的地方,在二次共轭法较明显的是值的不同算法。在透射光栅测量中从特殊的垂直入射角到一般的任意角入射应用,以光栅衍射方程为理论依据,讨论了在任意入射角方式下,如何利用光栅和分光计对光波波长进行测量并同时能得到未知入射角的值;在透射光栅实验中还通过分析和推导,得出符合透射光栅存在最小偏向角条件时的计算公式,通过利用最小偏向角测量汞灯和钠光灯的光谱波长,与其它实验结果进行比较,得出此方法具有误差小,精度高、操作简易可行的特点,可在今后的实验中加以应用。



ABSTRACT:Light is widely used in real life, according to the different wavelengths as different information transmission carrier. In optical theory, measuring wavelength of the common method has double prism interference, diffraction grating, Michelson interferometer techniques. This article from double prism interference, diffraction grating, Michelson interferometer three has been investigated. In Michelson interference systematically explains the fixed domain interference and fixed domain interference, determination of laser, sodium lamp spectrum analysis, and the wavelengths through "gradual deduction method and average method, it is concluded that process experiment data in such interval data application processing through" gradual deduction method can effectively reduce the error. In double prism application of commonly used interference measuring wavelength secondary imaging method, analyzes the defects and the method that the relative error larger reason, and based on this, through the mathematical reasoning and reasoning, and combining with actual expand the application of secondary conjugate method for measuring wavelength, contrast second imaging method it effective improve the measuring precision, reducing the relative error, both have similar and difference in second place of conjugate method, the obvious different algorithm is worth(). In the measurement of the diffraction grating from special vertical Angle to the general arbitrary incident angle. The application to grating diffraction equation as the theory basis, discussed the incident in any way, how to utilize the grating and spectrometers for wavelength and also can be measured Angle value; unknown In the diffraction grating experiment also obtained through analysis and derivation, with minimum bias existing diffraction grating conditions when calculating formula of horns(), through utilizing the smallest deflection Angle measuring mercury lamp and sodium light spectral wavelength, compared with other experimental results, it is concluded that this method has a small error, high precision, simple operation feasible characteristics, in the future to applications of the experiment.

Keywords: Michelson interference; Double prism interference; Diffraction grating; Wavelength