摘 要:理学院精品课程《大学物理》电磁学部分题库中已录入944道题。根据大学物理电磁学部分大纲要求,题库中所有知识点基本被覆盖,题型设有判断题、填空题、选择题、问答题、计算题等。试题的难度系数分为五类,分别为:易、较易、中 、较难、难,题目难度系数把握适当,题库中已经存有一些套卷文档,完成了大学物理电磁学部分试题库建设的基本要求,最终可以利用自动出卷、手动出卷以及套卷文档的形式将题库里的试题导出,并且可以很好的被用于各种练习、测试、考试。
ABSTRACT:The exquisite course college physics in the shool of science has recorded 944 problem in the electromagnetism.According to the college physics electromagnetism outline requirements, in the question all the knowledge in basic be overridden, Questions have judgment question, fills up the topic, choice question, question and answer question, math, etc. The difficulty of the coefficient test questions is divided into five categories of respectively is: Simple, more simple, medium, difficult, more difficult, Grasp the appropriate question difficulty coefficient. It is some Electromagnetism papers in item pool, Completed college physics electromagnetism test bank basic requirements, Eventually can use automatic the volume, manual out of the coil and roll document in the form of test question is derived, And can be very good be used for a variety of practice, training , exam.
Key words: Item pool;Electromagnetism test questions;Group volume intelligence; Degree of difficulty.