摘要:成立于1996年的凤凰卫视,历经多年的转型。从娱乐立台到新闻立台,从创新闻栏目到开播“凤凰资讯台”,“凤凰中文台”“凤凰美洲台”和“凤凰香港台”等,这一切 举动确立了它在华语观众心中的“电视典范”的地位。
本文以最近凤凰卫视成立16周年作为大背景, 概括了本台高速发展成为全球华人媒体界引以为傲的内外因素。以阅读参考文献, 重温部分经典评论新闻电视节目等作为研究方法,重点分析和总结凤凰卫视办台出色的内因,先以凤凰新闻传播体制为开端,以广大受众主要关注的硬新闻为主,层层递进,深入探讨其评论类新闻节目体制,主持人和节目包装,评论员评论手法三方面,进而总结凤凰卫视评论新闻节目的特色。
关键词: 凤凰卫视 传播体制 新闻评论节目体制和特色
Abstract:Phoenix Satellite Television, founded in 1996, after years of transition. News from Entertainment Legislative Taiwan to stand units to create news programs to launch the "Phoenix InfoNews, Phoenix Chinese Channel, Phoenix America" and "Phoenix Hong Kong Taiwan", it all moves to establish it in the hearts of Chinese viewers "TV model" status.
16 anniversary of the founding of Phoenix TV as a large background, summarizes the rapid development of global Chinese media community proud of internal and external factors. Revisit some classic reviews news television programs to read the reference, as the research methods, focus on the analysis and summary of Phoenix Satellite TV, do excellent internal first Phoenix news dissemination system for the start, the hard news of major concern to a wide audience, layers, and depth of the news programs of the kind that system, the host and program packaging, commentator comments tactics, and then summarize the characteristics of the Phoenix TV reviews news program.
Keywords: Phoenix Satellite TV communication system news commentary program system and features