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[摘要] 汤显祖受到晚明心学以及时代潮流的影响,非常关注男女恋情,抨击传统礼教,具有思想解放和个性解放的积极意义,以往评论家片面夸大汤显祖思想的积极意义,忽视了其缺陷与不足。本文主要立足于从杜丽娘和柳梦梅的人物形象的塑造方面,客观的看待人物形象的光彩之处以及不足,并深入阐述了汤显祖的情爱观存在着现实之情与理想之情的矛盾, 以及情与理的调和折衷、功名对爱情的冲击等方面的局限性以及自身固有的矛盾。

[关键词] 《牡丹亭》; 人物形象; 情爱观; 汤显祖


[Abstract] Tang Xianzu was late Ming Xue and the influence of the times, pay close attention to very much and romance, attacked the traditional ethics, ideological emancipation and liberation of personality has positive significance, while the critics exaggerate the positive significance of Tang Xianzu thought, and ignore its flaws and shortcomings. This paper is mainly based on the from Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei's characters, objective look at the characters of the glory and the insufficiency, in addition, also focusing on Tang Xianzu's view of love exist the realistic situation and ideal situation of contradiction, as well as sentiment and reason compromised, fame to love shock etc. limitations and inherent contradiction. 

[Key words] " Peony Pavilion";  characters;  the view of love;  Tang Xianzu