Abstract:Gaoqi is a famous poet at the end of yuan ming .singing the plum blossom is one of important item. His plum blossom poems not only inherited traditional plum blossom poems but also got out of the form from the song dynasty. In addition, his unique state of mind was blended in his poems and it becomes an innovation. Although there are some questions in its chronological, the writer connected his plum blossom poems with his life experience to show his special emotional experience.
Keyboards:Gaoqi ;The plum blossom poems ;The spirit world
“高启(公元1336-1374年),字季迪,号槎轩,长洲县(今江苏省苏州市)人,元末隐居吴淞青丘,自号青丘子,与杨基、张羽、徐贲齐名,并称吴中四杰。” [1](P55)袁枚评价高启:“诗有音节清脆,如雪竹冰丝,自然动听者,此皆由天分,非学力可到也,再明唯青丘一人而已。” [2](P1032)纪晓岚在《四库全书总目提要》中赞誉:“高启天才高逸,实据明一代诗人之上”。[3] (P2272-2273)