摘要:随着我国经济的快速发展,城市化进程的不断加快,城市环境出现了一系列新的问题。而原先所制定的城市环境管理政策已经无法解决这些新的问题,所以必须对城市环境管理政策进行研究,希望能找出更好的解决问题的办法。首先,原有城市环境管理政策在实施手段上,其主要的两种手段都存在各自的缺点,如规制手段存在管理费过高、执行困难、污染者缺乏治理污染的积极性等问题,而经济手段则存在不十分确定等缺点;其次,在实施机制上,存在立法体系不完善、监管力度不足、政府重视度不够、支持力量薄弱等问题。针对这些问题,可以通过改革环境管理政策实施“两手段”; 加强保障,改进和完善立法;实施分类指导,提高技术含量;健全环保组织的发展;加强公众参与等措施来解决。
Abstract:With the rapid economic development of our country and the accelerating urbanization, the urban environment has appeared a series of new problems. Because the old urban environmental management policy can’t solve the new problems, so we should do some research about this that we can find out the better way. After finding the shortcomings of the old urban environmental management policy on means of implementation, implementation mechanism ,we know that its main means of two of their shortcomings, the management fees are too high, difficult to implement polluter lack of positive issues such as pollution control, and economic means of existence of the shortcomings of not quite determine; second, the implementation of mechanisms such as the means of regulation, the existence of imperfect legislative system, lack of supervision, and insufficient government attaches importance to support weak, poor communication and other issues .We came up with some useful advises and opinions like these: promoting the common development of regulatory instruments and economic instruments actively and reforming both of them; strengthen the government legislation and policy guarantee, improve and refine the urban environment management system legislation; guidance to the implementation of urban environment management, improve the technical content of the urban environment management; develop environment organizations actively, step up publicity efforts to improve the environment awareness of all citizens to promote public participation in environment protection and so on.
Key words: Urban environment; Management policy; Research