Abstract:Facing the problem of aging society, the importance of the elderly social participation has being embodied. The retired teacher is a special team in older, and their social participation has important influence to the social development. By case and questionnaire interviewing, something had been found that, the retired teachers in Changzhou University have high participation willingness, have differences between man and woman in the willingness of participation and performance, participate in 3 to5 years after retirement, involve in wide areas but not involved in politics, participate for getting the balance between the economic and public interest, and participate in the way of organization and individual behavior. Find the problem from those present situations, analysis the factor, finally, give according suggestions. Those suggestions which include improving the social policy, promoting active aging society concept, improving organization level and providing more social participation channels be want to promote Changzhou University retired teachers' social participation, with the aim to promote the older people's social participation and the value of play, which can drive more participation of the elderly in community and turn the negative to positive. At last, we can achieve the harmonious society.
Keywords: retired teachers; social participation; active aging
鼓励退休人员社会参与,除了以上意义外,还对老年人生活质量和自我价值的实现有着重要的影响。首先从高校退休老年人自身情况来看,他们具有以下特点:一是数量大。据不完全统计,我国目前有高校退休人员130余万人;二是意愿强。根据吉林大学人口学研究所对退休后的1000人问卷调查显示,退休后特别想继续工作的占65%;还有18%的人表示如有适当工作,再工作几年也可以;也有17%的人表示退休后就应该好好享受老年生活;三是寿命长。由于保健意识强,高校老年人身体健康状况略强于全国老年人的平均状况,换言之,他们的社会参与能力比较强;四是条件好。从优势视角的理论出发,可发现高校老年人拥有丰富教学经验、充裕的时间、高度的自由、良好的社会道德、广阔的社会及人脉关系、经济上独立且物质生活无忧等优势,同时医疗有保障,养老有依靠,这决定了他们社会参与具有较好的物质前提;五是自身发展的需要。老年人也有满足自身发展的需求,个体的需求可以来自于内部环境,也可以来自外部生活条件, 从马斯洛需要层次理论来看,高校的退休老年人生理和安全上的低层次需求基本上是得到满足,追求更高层次的需求是最终实现自身的发展以达到自我完善是退休后他们继续社会参与的主要动因,老年人若要获得一个满意的老年生活,就必须维持足够的社会互动,从而缩小与社会的距离。这些都是高校老年人社会参与的可行性力证。其次,鼓励社会参与主要是指参与经济社会,这可以部分缓解家庭和社会养老压力。正如吉登斯所认为的那样,养老事业上,老年人应该发挥自己的力量和潜能。老年人有了较高的经济收入,家庭经济压力减轻,由于经济压力大带来的家庭矛盾随之减轻或者消失,家庭呈现更加和睦的状态。由此可知,鼓励老年人社会参与可以从精神和物质两个层面使老年人获得更好的生活。