关键字:城市空巢老人 心理障碍 个案工作
ABSTRACT:Urban empty nest erderly is a social vnlnerable groups, influenced by social, family and individual , the number of this group increased gradually , influenced by the lack of emotional and physical skills and imbalance in the transition, the influence of urban empty nest old erderly's psychological health problem is increasingly highlighted, pay close attention to the old life, the sense of security,providing for the elderly,is an important problem needed to solve the current.
The author tried to through analyzing current city empty nester psychological problems, find out the cause of urban empty nester psychological disorders, and to determine the involvement of professional methods using case work. In dadukou district three empty nest erderly to talk to an in-depth interview, through the analysis and guidance to the case, to help clients find their own problems, and achieved good therapeutic effect, so as to explore specific exercises casework intervention city empty nester psychological barriers method, to help more old people solve problems, enjoy life.
Keywords:Urban empty nest erderly;Psychological barrier;Case work