关键词:流浪儿童 家庭社会工作 回归
ABSTRACT:Street children is a long-standing social problem and the countries around the world are studying it. In recent years, many scholars have explored some street children rescue modes. These rescue modes to solve the problem of street children has played a certain role. However, these modes which deal with the problem of street children returning is not enough. And there are few scholars in the research from the view of family to explore street children rescue mode. Therefore, this article will study from this view, to solve the problem of street children to provide a new rescue mode.
This paper will use qualitative research methods attempt to explore street children rescue mode from the view of family. That street children interviewed in the case, based on the analysis of street children in the family factors, including family culture, family environment and family structure on the important role of street children. Analyzing the defects of the previous street children rescue mode, and under the guidance of family social work theory, to explore the family social work intervention effectiveness of street children rescue mode as well as its practice platform. The inflow of the rescue center, the local community and the outflow of the rescue center tripartite are working together, the local community carrying out the subject practice. Finally, analyzing this model specific process including contact, diagnosis, intervention and termination four phases and each phase of the mission.
Keywords: street children; family social work; return to the home