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关键词:法院附设调解制度  人民调解窗口  意思自治


Abstract: Court-annexed mediation is an activity which is led by the court or the commissioned officers to resolve disputes in a non-litigation way. It has essential differences while comparing with the procedural regime and it’s widely applied in the USA, Japan, etc. At present "the people's mediation window” is universally applicable in our country, which has the advantages of accelerating dispute settlement and saving judicial resources. But it still has a series of problems.We should determine the principals and regulate the procedures and the compositions of the mediation court to improve the court-annexed mediation to promote the development of the modernization of the rule by law.

Key words: Court-annexed mediation,the people's mediation window,autonomy


   目前我国还缺乏国际上广泛流行的法院附设调解制度, 随着改革开放的不断深入,社会纠纷向多元化、复杂化和群体化方向发展,法院附设调解制度是将诉讼外纠纷解决机制引入民事诉讼程序的重要体现,对于维护社会稳定与和谐有着巨大的法律价值和现实意义。因此,如何突破陈规,引入法院附设调解制度,促进诉讼外纠纷解决机制与诉讼程序的有效衔接,以实现纠纷解决的公正、效率、和谐,将成为司法实践面临的重要课题。