【摘要】 欺负是一种特殊类型的攻击行为,在中小学校园中较为常见。本研究在已有的研究基础上针对父母教养方式与儿童欺负行为的关系进行探讨,希望从理论上对小学生欺负行为有所认识。本研究选取淮安市涟水双语小学五年级106名学生为被试,使用儿童欺负问卷与父母教养方式问卷来考察欺负行为与父母教养方式的关系,研究结果表明:(1)在被试中欺负行为不同程度的存在,男生的被欺负行为要显著高于女生。(2)父亲惩罚严厉与被欺负存在正相关,其他父母教养方式的因子与欺负、被欺负均不存在相关。(3)母亲文化程度与欺负、被欺负都不存在显著差异;父亲文化程度与欺负、被欺负也不存在显著差异。(4)欺负者在性别上存在及其显著差异,被欺负在性别上没有显著差异。
【关键词】 欺负行为 父母教养方式 小学生
【Abstract】 Bullying is a special type of aggression, in middle and primary school is common in the campus. This study on the basis of the existing study aimed at parents upbringing and children studying the relation of bullying, hope for elementary school students the oretically bullying has lnowledge. This study selected Lianshui Huaian bilingual primary school grade five 106 students were selected to, use children with parents upbringing bully questionnaire investigation questionnaire to bullying and parents upbringing relationship, the results of the study show that:(1)By test of bullying behavior in different levels of existence, the boy was significantly higher than the girl to bullying. (2) Father over-punishment and bullied, other parents is positively correlated with the upbringing bully, being bullied factors are not exist related. (3). Mother emotional warmth understanding and bullied a significant negative correlation; Mother excessive interference and bullied significantly positively correlated; Mother’s over-punishment and bullying significant positive correlation.(4)Bully in gender in existence and the significant difference in gender, being bullied no significant difference.
【Key words】 bullying parents’ ways of educating primary school students