[摘要] 关于算法多样化教学的研究,人们已经积累了大量宝贵的教学经验。本课题讲述了算法多样化教学的内涵,以及所要研究的内容。再通过课例对比分析,得出算法多样化的教学在认识上存在偏差,在实施中走入误区,把算法多样化混同于一题多解,追求算法全面化,排斥算法最优化,也有的只停留在表面,没有深化。再通过课例片段分析,以及在实习中教学所遇到的问题与困惑。最后,根据发现的问题提出一些建议与策略,以便更好地在数学教学中达到其教学价值。
[关键词] 小学数学; 算法多样化; 问题; 策略
[Abstract] Diversify the research of the teaching concerning the calculate way, the people are already the backlog a great deal of precious teaching experience .This topic is about the connotation of the teaching diversification, and the research content . Then through the class a comparative analysis of the cases, and concludes that the algorithm of diversification in cognition teaching bias in the implementation into error, the algorithm in a confused diversification problem solution, the pursuit of algorithm overall design, exclude optimization algorithm, and there are only stay in surface, no deepen. Then through the class example segment analysis, and in practice teaching with problems and confused. Finally, according to the problems found put forward some Suggestions and strategies to better in mathematics teaching, achieve its teaching value.
[Key words] Primary School Mathematics; Algorithm diversification ; Problem ; Strategy