摘 要:随着我国新课程改革的不断深入,广大教师更加关注教学情境。然而,在实践过程中,其效果却不尽人意,使教学情境的创设失去了新异性和应有的价值。本文介绍了教学中情境创设的作用,针对小学语文,基于小学生的认知特点,提出了教学情境的创设应坚持的原则,以及有效进行教学情境创设的对策,旨在提高教学效率。
关键词:小学语文;情境创设 ;问题;对策
ABSTRACT:With the deepening of the reform of China's new curriculum, the majority of teachers pay more attention to the teaching situation. However, in practice, the effect is unsatisfactory, Creating Teaching Environments lost the new heterosexual and proper value. This article describes the role of teaching situational creation, primary language primary school-based cognitive characteristics, should adhere to the principle of the creation of the teaching situation, as well as effective teaching situation creation countermeasures designed to improve teaching efficiency.
Keywords: Primary language; situational creation; problems; countermeasures