摘 要:此次研究的对象是泸西县城区三所小学的教师,本次调查研究采用《小学教师职业幸福感调查》作为调查工具,对泸西县城区三所小学的100名小学教师进行随机调查,同时参考全国对教师职业幸福感的研究,分析影响教师职业幸福感的相关因素,加强社会对教师职业的认识,同时希望给相关部门有关于教师工作的决策提供参考,以提高小学教师的职业幸福感。通过调查发现,当前一部分教师感觉不到作为一名教师应有的职业幸福感,或是存在幸福偏差。针对存在的问题,分析原因,提出相应的解决对策。结论:应该提高小学教师的职业幸福感。
关键词:小学教师 ;职业幸福感 ; 研究
ABSTRACT:The subjects of this study are Luxi County District three primary school teachers, this research adopts the "primary school teacher occupation happiness feeling investigation" as research tool, random survey of 100 primary school teachers in Luxi County District three primary school, at the same time reference of the national vocational well-being of teachers, analysis of influencing factors the teacher occupation well-being society, strengthen the understanding of teacher occupation, also hope to provide reference for relevant departments of teachers' work decisions, in order to improve the occupation primary school teachers' sense of happiness. Through the survey found, at present a number of teachers don't feel as a teacher occupation due sense of happiness, there is happiness deviation or. In view of the existing problems, analyze the causes, and proposes the corresponding solution countermeasures. Conclusion: should improve occupation primary school teachers' sense of happiness.
Keywords: primary school teachers; occupation well-being; research